

Before She Met Me

Before She Met Me by Julian Barnes Before She Met Me by Julian Barnes

"So why should this jealousy linger on, unwanted, resented, only there to bugger you around? Like a middle ear, only there to make you lose your sense of balance; or like an appendix, only there to flare up insolently and have to be taken out. How did you take out jealousy?" Before She Met Me, p.123

Graham Hendrick, an historian, has left his wife Barbara for the vivacious Ann, and is more than pleased with his new life. Until, that is, the day he discovers Ann's celluloid past as a mediocre film actress. Soon Graham is pouncing on old clues, examining her books for inscriptions from past lovers, frequenting cinemas and poring over the bad movies she appeared in. It's not that he blames Anne for having a past before they met, but history has always mattered to him…

"Funny, sad, faintly ominous…making jealousy tangible and dangerous" -SPECTATOR

"Concise and witty about psychology, ideas and love, in all its many forms" -Rosamund Pike, The Times



NOTE: When possible, editions are linked to entries in the online Julian Barnes Bibliography. These entries feature multiple images of the book and additional bibliographic details.
English Editions

When possible, editions are linked to entries in the online Julian Barnes Bibliography. These entries feature images of the book and additional bibliographic details.

Before She Met Me. London: Jonathan Cape, 1982. Reprinted in 1991. [Uncorrected Proof, 1982].

Before She Met Me. London: Pan Books (Pavanne), 1983.

Before She Met Me. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.

Before She Met Me. London: Picador, 1986. [Rejacketed 2005].   

Before She Met Me. New York: Vintage International, 1992.

Before She Met Me. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 1997.
[With an afterwards by Ton Heuvelmans.]

Before She Met Me. London: Vintage Books, 2009. [Rejacketed 2014].

Translated Editions

Catalan - Abans que ens coneguéssim. Barcelona: Editorial Laia Calle, 1988. Translated by David Balagué.

Chinese - 她过去的爱情. 文汇出版社 | Wenhui Press, 2018. Translated by 郭国良 (Guo Guoliang).

Czech - Než potkala mě. Prague: Odeon, 2018. Translated by Jiří Hanuš. [Czech Book Club edition].

Danish - Før hun mødte mig. København: Tiderne Skifter, 1995. Translated by Henning Juul Madsen. Other edition: Samlerens Bogklub, 1995.

Dutch - Voor ze me kende. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij de Arbeiderspers, 1988. Translated by Else Hoog. Other edition: [AP Pocket Editie], 1992.

French - Avant moi. Paris: Denoël, 1991. Translated by Michel Courtois-Fourcy. Other editions: Denoël Folio, 1993; Denoël Folio, 1999.

German - Vor meiner Zeit. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2006. Translated by Michael Walter. Other editions: Als sie mich noch nicht kannte. Haffmans Verlag, 1988; Haffmans Verlag, 1990(reprinted 1991); Haffsman Verlag, 1993Vor meiner Zeit. Haffmans Verlag, 1994; Vor meiner Zeit. Rowohlt, 1998Vor meiner Zeit. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2007.

Greek - Πριν εκείνη με γνωρίσει. Athens: Metaixmio, 2013. Translated by Θωμάς Σκάσσης [Thomas Skassis].

Italian - Prima di me . Torino: Einaudi, 2017. Translated by Daniela Fargione.

Korean - 그녀가나를만나기전 | Kunyo ka na rul mannagi chon. Seoul: Munhak Tongne, 1998. Translated by Un-jong Kwon; 나를 만나기 전 그녀는 . 파주: 열린책들 [Paju: Open Books], 2006.

Romanian - Până când m-a cunoscut. Humanitas, 2006. Translated by Radu Paraschivescu; Other edition: Nemira, 2014.

Russian - До того, как она встретила меня (Do togo, kak ona vstretila menja). Москва: АСТ: Транзиткнига, 2005. Translated by И. Гуровой [I. Gurova].

Serbian - Pre ne što me je srela. Beograd: Geopoetika, 2002. Translated by Zoran Paunovic.

Slovak - Ked' ma ešte nepoznala. Banská Bystrica: Drewo a srd, 2002. Translated by Pavol Lukác.

Spanish - Antes de conocernos (Before She Met Me). Madrid: Euler Editorial, 1987. Translated by Agustín Tena y Luz Quintana. Other edition: Barcelona: Compactos Anagrama, 1995.

Swedish - Innan hon träffade mig. Bakhåll, 2020. Translated by Andreas Vesterlund.

Turkish - Benimle Tanismadan Önce. Istanbul: Mitos, 1997. Translated by Serdar Rifat Kirkoglu. Other edition: Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2002.


1992 - The Honorable Cuckold: Models of Masculine Defence - Mark I. Millington and Alison S. Sinclair, Comparative-Literature-Studies (29.1) p.1-19 (ISSN: 0010-4132)

12/28/1986 - She Oughtn't to Have Been in Pictures - Gary Krist, New York Times Book Review (91) p.12

06/1982 - Unhappy Families - David Montrose, Books and Bookmen p.14

04/28/1982 - Great White Hopes - Stanley Reynolds, Punch p.708-709

04/23/1982 - Watching Green-Eyed - Mark Abley, Times Literary Supplement p.456

04/17/1982 - Green-Eyed - Harriet Waugh, Spectator (248) p.22

04/16/1982 - Flashback - Bill Greenwell, New Statesman (103.2665) p.18-19

French Translation

1997 - Frédéric Monneyron, L'écriture de la jalousie Grenoble: ELLUG (pp.137-51: "Lien, liage et déliages de la jalousie dans Before she met me de Julian Barnes")

05/23/1991 - Barnes et son double - François Rivière, Libération p.29

05/20/1991 - Livres, avec starter - Jean-François Fogel, Le Point p.50-51

05/1991 - Julian avant Barnes - Pierre Maury, Magazine Littéraire (288) p.88-89

05/1991 - Avant moi - Bernard De Saint Vincent, Revue des deux mondes p.152-6

04/11/1991 - Julian Barnes, période scato… - Jérôme Garcin, Evénement du jeudi p.112-13

04/04/1991 - Le bourreau d'amour - Michel Grisolia, L'Express p.142

03/29/1991 - Barnes et son double - Nicole Zand, Le Monde p.24

03/28/1991 - Quelques vices bien serrés - Jean-François Josselin, Nouvel Observateur p.113

03/22/1991 - Les caractères du mois - Caractères Antenne 2 (Interview)

03/20/1991 - Un reptile dans la tête - Dominique Durand, Canard Enchaîné p.7

03/11/1991 - Jubilation sadique - Dominique Guiou, Figaro Littéraire p.5

Italian Translation

